Lutheran West Adds Campus Pastor
March 26, 2024
Lutheran West is pleased to announce the addition of the role of Campus Pastor to its faculty and staff, and that Reverend Jeffrey Steele-Steeber has accepted the call to serve in this position.
Rev. Steele-Steeber, who is known on campus as Pastor Jeff or “PJ,” has been on the Lutheran West faculty for the past two school years as a religion teacher at both the high school and middle school levels. He has also been overseeing middle school Chapel. During that time frame, Lutheran West administration has worked to create the new role of Campus Pastor in order to provide individual students and our broader school community with consistent, faith-centric direction and programming.
Rev. Steele-Steeber says, “I am beyond excited for this opportunity to serve alongside Lutheran West’s amazing faculty and students. I feel blessed by God to be a part of the ministry that glorifies God and places the love of God, evident in the cross and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, at the center of everything we do.”
Principal and Head of School Joel S. Bahr says about the role: “As part of the most recent strategic plan for Lutheran West, administration and the board have set forth the addition of a new role to the faculty, Campus Pastor. With the recent addition of the middle school and the increased growth in enrollment, it is imperative that we continue to keep faith and the life saving Gospel at the core of all we do. The Campus Pastor will design, implement, and manage the discipleship programs for Lutheran West students and their families. This role also is also responsible for weekly Chapel services, individual and small group discipleship of students, teaching some Faith Foundations classes, and will provide spiritual counseling to students and their families. The Campus Pastor will mentor and guide students to connect with Christ while encouraging them to find long-term fellowship in theologically sound, Gospel-centered local congregations.
This past fall, Lutheran West updated its mission statement, which now states, “Lutheran West prepares students to excel in service, leadership, and learning while living as disciples who are rooted and grounded in the love of Christ.”
Principal Joel Bahr says “We at Lutheran West believe that Pastor Jeff will lay that foundation of Christ’s love throughout our community and will allow for our mission to be put into practice daily through our students and staff.”
Pastor Jeff will be officially installed as the Campus Pastor at a special service on Sunday April 14th at 2:00 PM in the Jochum Performing Arts Center at Lutheran West. This service will be open to the public and all are welcome to join us as we welcome Pastor Jeff into this exciting and important new role!