Give to Lutheran West

Your gift truly makes a difference in the lives of young people.

Thank you for considering a charitable gift to Lutheran West and/or the Cleveland Lutheran High School Association! Your support is greatly appreciated and fundamental to the continuation and growth of our mission. Tuition covers only a portion of the total cost of education for each student, so all giving truly does make a difference. If you have any questions regarding giving opportunities, please email [email protected] or contact the CLHSA Office at 440-356-7155, ext. 3.

Lutheran West Annual Fund

The Annual Fund is the Association’s yearly program that seeks unrestricted gifts to support ongoing needs at both schools. Unrestricted gifts are vitally important because they provide long-term strength and stability. Those gifts allow leadership to address high priority needs, respond to unforeseen situations, and invest in high potential areas for institutional advancement. To make a gift to the Annual Fund, scroll down to the giving form below.

Lutheran Scholarship Granting Organization of Ohio

The LSGO of Ohio’s purpose is to raise scholarship dollars for students to attend Lutheran high schools and elementary schools throughout Ohio. The LSGO of Ohio’s scholarships will be awarded with priority given to students from low-income households. As a participating school, gifts made to the LSGO of Ohio and earmarked for Lutheran West will go directly to student scholarships at our school. Gifts to Scholarship Granting Organizations (SGOs) also qualify the donor for a tax credit on their state of Ohio taxes. This unique giving opportunity is a win-win: it allows you to make a real difference for Lutheran West students and families, while also receiving a tax benefit.

Forward in Faith Campaign

The Forward in Faith capital campaign is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to affirm our commitment to Christ-centered education in Northeast Ohio. Now that the physical building expansion is open, the campaign continues to raise funding for the expansion and elevation of our programming through Lutheran West’s Centers of Excellence.

Ashley Koza headshot

A unique and generous community of alumni, donors, and friends make it possible for Lutheran West to provide a robust and rewarding educational experience for young people. I work with all those who wish to give back to Lutheran West to find the best giving opportunities for each one of them.”

Ashley Koza
Director of Development, Cleveland Lutheran High School Association